Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Top 10 Favorite Websites

As I have said in my previous post, this country is a very boring one. So surfing the net has been one of my favorite past times. It has actually been my bestfriend whenever i feel sad and homesick. So for today's post, here are my top 10 favorite internet websites.

10. - manage my bankaccount here in sg.

9. - here, i can watch tv series during weekends. this website was my friend during the time I was still waiting for the approval of my employment visa. I discovered one of my favorite series here which is Damages.

8. - I use this site during paydays. hehe. I would send my remittances to my personal bpi account then transfre funds to my sister's bpi account. I also use this to transfer funds during emergency cases and to pay globe internet and mobile bills.

7. - online database of movies. I was able to watch several movies here before they were even shown in the big screen. Everybody who knows me knows that I am such a movie freak. But movie is quite expensive here, so I settle for their online counterparts. Who doesnt like free movies anyway?

6. - personal mails, chat, yahoo news all in one page.

5. - this is a way I use to catch up on my friends' lives and to catch up on the latest gossips as well. this site is also useful to remind me of my friends' birthdays.

4. - aside from watching tv patrol in tfc, the online inquirer is my daily source of philippine news.

3. aka Blue Eagle's Nest - I am a UAAP fan. I never missed any ateneo game in the past even if it means making nasty excuses at work. This site updates me on the latest happenings with the ateneo basketball program.

2. - the online portal for the filipino community here in singapore. this site has been of great help to me. I was able to find a room in this site. I also look at this site for the exchange rate in remittance centers here. the forums here are very informative and will help you survive your life in a foreign land called singapore.

1. aka tv and movies thread - wanna know the latest in philippine and foreign tv and movies? this is the perfect site.

runners-up :,,,,,

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Missing Voltes V (-phi) 2.0

I was browsing thru friendster this morning and took a look at the voltes v friendster page. I can't help but smile because memories rushed into my minds again. It seems like it was just yesterday when our group came into being. And now, our friendship has been here for 5 years already and i know it's going to last our lifetime. we may be physically apart from each other, but we all know that we are a group-- a group who will always be there for one another no matter what. We are a group who will back up each other whether we are right or wrong. We are a group linked by our similarities and differences. We are voltes v.

Back in the Philippines, when I had a company different from theirs, i would miss them because we rarely had the time to catch up on each other's lives. The only times we would see each other is during our birthdays. And now that I am out of the country, it pains me to realize that i will miss their birthday celebrations. Especially this april, I will miss my bestfriend's birthday.

What makes it doubly painful for me is the fact that I wasnt there when someone from the group really needed me. But God knows, during the time when he was in crisis, I am doing all the extra efforts to ease his pain, although he would not know it. I miss him and I know that I am sad that I wasnt physically there for him when he needed to talk to me. Bawi ako sa iyo. promise.

haaayyy, when are we going to have our charmee moments again? when will we measure our heights again? I miss you guys. i really do.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Random Thoughts 2008 1.0

My blog has been dying and resurrecting every year. haha.

- what's not ours can never be ours even if we do things for it to be ours and even if it seems that it is already ours.

- learn that whatever it takes, take no regrets of decisions we make. For this decision was ours to make and we chose to make.

- love what or who you chose to love. live each day as though it's the last. love someone as though it will be the last.

- getting hurt doesnt always mean being stronger after that. It may also leave you bruised, scarred, and helpless forever.

-being happy is something that we can never fully achieve here on earth. If you want to be fully happy, then die. I want to be happy.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Top 10 things Im missing/ will be missing now that Im out of the country

10. friday night gimiks and movies galore.

9. the UAAP games. being an avid fan of college hoops, staying out of the uaap scene even for one season is a torture for me.

8. filipino shows. although we have tfc at home, the programming is different.

7. breakfast. I miss waking up with my breakfast ready. Now, there is no one to prepare my breakfast for me. So I normally skip breakfast here.

6. the beach. Despite being an island, singapore is never known for good beaches. this is my first summer that I think, I will not be able to visit a good beach.

5. the voltes team ++. They have always been my second family since my college days. They were always there for me. They are happy when I achieve, and inspire me when Im down. I miss the usual gimiks and chats with them. They will always be my best friends.

4. petty fights with my youngest sister. I miss her because deep inside, we know we love each other and we'll always be there for one another (sob)

3. sleeping on my parents' bed. Admittedly, I am a mama's boy. I still sleep with them even after college graduation.

2. my nephews and nieces. Although they are very makulit, I still love them very much. ( yan tuloy, Im close to tears again)

1. I miss my bed. I cant sleep well at nights that's why Im always sleepy inside the office.